OER Conversations
Naomi Salmon
OER at UW-Madison
- The Educational Innovation initiative at UW-Madison has identified OER as a priority for the university. EI’s “Open Educational Resources” page provides an overview of OER principles and a detailed strategic framework document for UW-Madison.
- Steel Wagstaff’s Medium article, “Publishing Open Textbooks at UW-Madison,” provides an overview of OER progress in 2017 and goals for 2018. It includes a discussion of how the Canvas-Pressbook integration works at a technical level.
- “Core Principles For An Open Authoring Tool” — Steel’s 2016 article discusses the objectives that led UW to identify Pressbooks as a primary authoring tool.
Open Pedagogy and OER Principles
- Maha Bali and Suzan Koseoglu’s 2016 Chronicle of Higher Education article, “Self as OER,” discusses how a commitment to OER principles shaped their teaching philosophies and practices more broadly.
- SPARC – (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is an organization committed to open research principles and pedagogy, including OER.
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