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Front Matter [acknowledgements]
Math Test
1. Chapter 1
2. Math Test LaTeX
Math Test: Section 2.1 Elementary derivative rules
3. Table Test
4. Chapter 2: Columns
5. Chapter 3
6. Next Chapter Heading
Chapter 3: The Longest Title That I Can Think of Would Be A Title Which Had Many Words, For Example, These Are a Lot of Words, but Still Not the Longest Title Possible Since That Would Be Something of an Internal Contradiction
7. The Bug
8. Gregor & His Sister
9. No lines demo
10. RTL demo
12. NPR story
13. Multi Section Chapter with Glossary
14. Playlist
15. Tableau Embed
16. Math Testing
17. Audio player example
18. I'm a new chapter
19. YouTube Embeds in textboxes
21. footnotes with block elements
22. Sample Video
23. Media Chapter
24. Image testing
25. Kaltura Embeds
26. Kaltura oEmbed
27. Sections
28. Table Test
29. Embedding H5P
30. Glossary Term Testing
31. Storyline embeds
32. Table test
Here are some audio and video files:
I’m an audio file.
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This work (Steel's Test Book by Ricardo A Aragon and Steel Wagstaff) is free of known copyright restrictions.