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Custom Title page
1. Headings
2. Paragraph formatting
3. Quotes and pullquotes
4. Footnotes and media attribution
5. Lists
6. Lists & floating textboxes issue
7. Normal and Floating textboxes
8. Tables
9. Really long table
10. TablePress tables
11. Shortcodes
12. Latex
13. latexpage
14. Glossary testing 1
15. Glossary testing 2 – Moby dick
16. Glossary
17. Internal links
18. Chapter name changed – compare URL when cloning
This chapter has chapter type Numberless
19. This chapter has Chapter Type Standard and adding some text to make a long chapter title that would wrap
20. This chapter has subtitle, author, and CC-BY-NC-SA license
21. Paginated chapter
22. This chapter title should not be showing
Chapter 1: h5p embed
23. Images
24. Videos
25. Audio
26. Various embedded elements
27. Image & Footnote issue, H1 headings
28. Long URLS not wrapping
This is where you can add appendices or other back matter.
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Jc's test book Copyright © 2018 by Jc Guan/Pressbooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.