Utopos University Press Catalog

Utopos University Press was founded in 1783 with the publication of ‘Educaytionne For Alle: A Manifestoe’, an anonymously authored tract which called for the establishment of free general education for men and women of all ages and social backgrounds. In 1999, the Press moved under the general supervision of the Utopos University Library System. Today, the emphasis of the Press is open educational resources used to support education across all of Utopos.

About Our Books

All of the books listed here are open access, and most have been published with Creative Commons licenses which permit anyone to freely revise and redistribute the content. If you are staff at Utopos University and would like to create or adopt an open access textbook, please consult our Open Textbook Fund for more information about funding options.

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122 results
testhoman123 book cover


All Rights Reserved   English

Author(s): pressbooks

Last updated: 01/11/2023

Full Book: With a very very long title that has tons of words in it, this is quite rare but does happen every now & again book cover

Full Book: With a very very long title that has tons of words in it, this is quite rare but does happen every now & again

Public Domain   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Steel Wagstaff

Editor(s): Amy Song, Steel Wigglestick

Last updated: 31/10/2023

Test Clone Glossary Terms book cover

Test Clone Glossary Terms

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  110 H5P Activities    French

Author(s): Chris Johnson, Matthew D. Affolter, Paul Inkenbrandt, Cam Mosher

Subject(s): Géologie, géomorphologie et lithosphère, Sciences de la Terre

Last updated: 26/10/2023

It contains

  1. both written and graphic text material,
  2. intra-text links to other internal material which may aid in understanding topics and concepts,
  3. intra-text links to the appendices and glossary for tables and definitions of words,
  4. and extra-text links to videos and web material that clarifies and augments topics and concepts.

Contact the authors at edits@opengeology.org with edits, suggestions, or if adopting the book.

An Open Education Reader book cover

An Open Education Reader

Ontario Commons License – No Derivatives   English

Author(s): David Wiley, Editor

Subject(s): Open learning, distance education, Philosophy and theory of education, Moral and social purpose of education

Last updated: 18/10/2023

This group of readings was compiled by David Wiley for IPT 515R, Introduction to Open Education, taught at Brigham Young University in Fall 2014. The students in the course, who are listed as contributing authors below, wrote the summaries and discussion questions for each reading included in the book.

This is by no means a complete or final version of this book. We’re sharing it with the community now in the spirit of “release early, release often,” trusting that the community will help correct faults rather than criticize errors. Please leave suggestions for improvement in the comments at the bottom of individual pages, or email them to david.wiley@gmail.com.

Cover photo by Shahadat Hossain, licensed CC BY.

Demo Book book cover

Demo Book

CC BY (Attribution)  42 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Steel Wagstaff

Last updated: 11/10/2023

This is a fun book: https://pressbooks.com

Test LTI book cover

Test LTI

CC BY (Attribution)  15 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Sarah Fennessey

Last updated: 04/10/2023

Math Test book cover

Math Test

Public Domain   English

Author(s): Morty Morterson, carl123

Editor(s): carl123

Subject(s): Conservation, restoration and care of artworks, Composers and songwriters, Art music, orchestral and formal music, Music reviews and criticism

Last updated: 02/10/2023

Deaf Education book cover

Deaf Education

CC0 (Creative Commons Zero)   English

Author(s): Joanne Weber

Last updated: 28/09/2023

This is a pilot project to explore the efficacy of Pressbooks toward the creation of e-books to deaf learners. The research project undertakes several strands of inquiry in order to develop a proposed theoretical framework that would guide the creation of e-books with the Pressbooks platform.

Test Contents Header book cover

Test Contents Header

All Rights Reserved   English

Author(s): Thomas

Last updated: 19/09/2023

H5P Clone Test book cover

H5P Clone Test

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  33 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): steel

Editor(s): steel

Last updated: 15/08/2023