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Book Contents Navigation
1. Why Pressbooks?
2. Universal Design
3. Levels of Accessibility
4. Deaf Aesthetics
5. Multimodal Learning
6. Level 1 Accessibility
7. Accessibility Exemplars for Deaf Learners
8. H5P Content - Layout and Design
9. H5P - Layout and Design - Interactive Videos
10. Level 2 Accessibility
11. H5P - Visual Representations - Image based interaction
12. H5P - Vocabulary Development
13. H5P - Collocations Study
14. H5P - Reading Strategies
15. H5P - Writing Tasks
16. H5P - Metalinguistic awareness - Analogies, Similes, and Metaphors
17. H5P - ASL Grammar
18. H5P - Translation Work
19. Level 3 Accessibility - Supporting language acquisition
20. Teamwork
21. Planning
22. Promoting Conversation
23. Participatory Reading and Remixing
24. OER for Deaf Learners - Final Thoughts
25. References
26. American Sign Language
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To the extent possible under law, Joanne Weber has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Deaf Education, except where otherwise noted.